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Monitor data pipelines

Spot data pipeline errors from light years away

Get a bird's-eye overview of your data pipelines' health or zoom in for granular analysis. Y42's asset monitor is a telescope and microscope rolled into one.

Monitor data pipelines

Health monitoring

Your Mission Control Center for data pipeline health

Y42's asset health monitor lets you verify the build status and freshness of every step in your data pipelines in a single dashboard... and you'll never have to sift through multiple job logs again.

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Looking for a needle in your data haystack?

With asset-level build logs, you can quickly identify the specific step that caused a build to fail and view its error messages — so you can isolate the root cause of failure before it compromises your data.

Asset-level build logs
Asset-level build logs

If a data pipeline fails, Y42 shows you exactly where and why — so you don’t have to parse lengthy job logs across multiple systems.

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Time travel
Time travel

Navigate through the historical changes of each step in your data pipelines and retrieve its build details at any given point in time.

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Data testing

Make data quality control a team sport

Our built-in data quality tests lets you validate columns and tables with a just few clicks. Set non-null assertions, uniqueness rules and more, directly in your workflow.

Table and column tests
Table and column tests

Set preconfigured data tests using an intuitive graphical interface or flex your SQL skills by writing custom testing logic.

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Set up email or in-app notifications for failed data tests, so you can address potential issues before they affect your production data.

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Inspect failed rows
Inspect failed rows

Isolate and analyze rows that didn’t meet your testing criteria — so you can tell apart genuine data quality issues from valid edge cases.

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Graceful test failure handling
Graceful test failure handling

When a data test fails, Y42 references the asset’s last successful build so your production data pipelines always remain intact.

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Stale lineage

Stale dependencies detection

Automatically flag stale data when upstream steps change

When data or code changes, we'll show you everything that it impacts — so you can spot asset dependencies the moment they become stale.

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