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manage changes with Git

Version control every byte of your data pipelines

From design to deployment, Y42 lets you manage all aspects of your data pipelines as code in a Git repository — so you have full control of your project.

Branch environments

Fully-fledged development sandboxes on demand

Spin up a self-contained development sandbox that never interferes with your production data pipelines. With branch environments, it’s never been easier to test changes in isolation — just create a branch and go.

Branch environments
Branch environments

With one click, branch out from your main data pipelines and create an isolated environment that assigns each new table with a unique ID — so you’ll never have accidental overwrites.

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Instant rollbacks
Instant rollbacks

Need to undo a change? Reverting the code automagically restores previous versions of your data. It’s instant — like having an “undo” button for you data pipelines.

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Merge requests

Review and approve changes before they go live

Ensure all changes made to your data pipelines are peer-reviewed before they are deployed to production. Through merge requests, every line of code bears your team's stamp of trust.

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Merge requests

Continuous integration

No untested changes shall pass into production

When a merge request is created, Y42’s continuous integration (CI) automatically checks your modified data pipelines. Even if the changes have been reviewed and approved, they must pass all tests before it can be deployed.

Automate testing
Automate testing

Configure automated testing in 2 minutes. For every new merge request, Y42 tests your data pipelines and shows you whether the proposed change introduces any errors.

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Pre-tested changes
Pre-tested changes

Once your changes have been validated in an environment that mirrors production, they are automatically “pre-cleared” for approval — so you can skip unnecessary repeated testing.

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Continuous deployment

No need to duplicate tables — just create and merge branches

Y42 versions both the code and data, so when you merge changes into production, the latest materialized data follows along with it... and you'll never have to run the same computations twice.

Automate deployments
Automate deployments

Y42’s Virtual Data Build system detects pre-built tables from your existing environments and integrates them directly in production. Approved changes are deployed instantaneously.

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Run only what’s changed
Run only what’s changed

Automatically identify and run only the parts of your data pipelines that are impacted by code changes — so you can reduce computational costs and deployment time.

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