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Data is priceless. Make the best of yours.

Start building for your data warehouse at zero cost. Unlock advanced features as you need.


From $500

/ month

All you need to orchestrate and run your data pipelines end-to-end.

2 spaces included
3 users included
Browser-based UI and Code IDE
Declarative orchestrator and scheduler
Native Git and Data Warehouse integrations
SQL/dbt Core and Python assets
Start Free Trial


Everything in the Business plan, plus additional collaboration and data quality assurance features.

Unlimited spaces
Pull requests built for data developers
Time travel for data
Service level agreement (SLA)
SSO using Okta, SCIM and OAuth
Audit logging
Request Demo
SQL-based ingestion

Leverage pre-built hosted connectors powered by cData to load data into your warehouse or use Y42's python ingestion to connect to custom sources.

Starting from $15 per million rows ingested.

Cropped view of Y42 user interface, showing a source asset node in a directed acyclic graph.